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Say what? April 26, 2010

Posted by jeneypeney in a little help from my friends, being appropriate is overrated, drinking stories, i'm a moron, shenanigans.

A few weeks back I was enjoying a wonderful night with friends playing Apples to Apples and drinking yummy adult drinks when I pulled out my laptop and began to jot down all of the ridiculous things that were coming out of our mouths. I had every intention of posting one of those “Look at the absurdly hilarious things my friends say aren’t wee just the COOLEST PEOPLE EVAR?!” posts…

Then I forgot all about it. Which has worked out to your advantage. Because now we get to play a game called What The Fuck We Were Talking About?

Below are the things I wrote down – verbatim. I have absolutely no idea what we were referencing or how any of these topics came up. I can confirm, however, that none of them had anything to do with sex, genitals, or other such inappropriate subjects.

So you guys and gals get to fill in the blanks! Tell me… What the fuck were we talking about?


1) The top part isn’t the best.

2) Does your stir stick glow?

3) It looked like less in my hands.

4) Was I drunk? I never touched that thing!

5) They’re sticking to the ball.

6) I hope your mom never sees me naked.


Have at it, hookers…